Internet based FIDE Seminar for International Organizers

The FIDE Event’s Commission (EVE) is holding an Internet based FIDE Seminar for International Organizers from 21-24th March, 2016.

Up to 30 participants (by priority) from all Continents. Deadline for registrations is Monday 14th March 2016.

21st March – 17:00 to 20:00 Seminar (Part 1) Standard Time Zone: GMT/UTC + 02:00 hour
22nd March – 17:00 to 20:00 Seminar (Part 2) Standard Time Zone: GMT/UTC + 02:00 hour
23rd March – 17:00 to 20:00 Seminar (Part 3) Standard Time Zone: GMT/UTC + 02:00 hour
In case a participant cannot follow a live lecture the sessions will be available (with access code) and after the end of each part in video recorded mode.
24th March – Any time available – up to 2h Examination test

Seminar Topics:
• Regulations Events Commission (General Regulations, Events Regulations, Bid Procedure)
• Events’ Management
• FIDE Identity & Sponsorship guidelines.
• Ratings and Titles ‐ Tournament Conditions

Seminar fee: 60 €

The fee should be paid in FIDE Bank Account free of bank charges.
Bank: UBS Bank -­‐ Address: Case Postale, 1002 Lausanne, Switzerland
Bank Code: UBSWCHZH80A
Euro Account Number: 243-­‐342087.63Y
IBAN: CH540024324334208763Y
Account Name: Federation Internationale Des Echecs

After the payment please send the scanned copy – receipt by email.

The lecturer will be IO Theodoros Tsorbatzoglou
The Technical Organizer will be IO Mikhail Prevenios

Language: The seminar will be held in English language

Information – Registrations:
Technical Organizer: Mikhail Prevenios:
FIDE Events Commission: Theodoros Tsorbatzoglou:

International Organizers Titles Regulations Successful Seminar attendees will grant a FIDE IO Norm necessary for the FIDE IO title. IO Titles Regulations