FIDE Seminar for International Organizers in Porto Carras, Greece – Results

portocarrasseminar2015The FIDE Seminar for International Organizers was held by the FIDE Event’s Commission (EVE) and Organizing Committee of the World Youth & Cadets Chess Championships from 2-4th November in Porto Carras, Greece.

The objective of the Seminar was to educate and certify Organizers on an international basis. Successful Seminar attendees receive a FIDE IO Norm necessary for the FIDE IO title application.

The Lecturer was IO Theodoros Tsorbatzoglou – Secretary FIDE Events Commission.
FIDE Seminar for International Organizers in Porto Carras, Greece – Results
18 participants attended the Seminar.

15 participants took the test successfully and will get the FIDE IO Norm.

1 Poley, Vladimir BLR 13500090
2 Siarhei Artsiukhou BLR 13516469
3 Mikalai Zarubitski BLR
4 Ibrahim Mammadov AZE 13403192
5 Song Jinwoo KOR 413003
6 Irina Chibikova RUS 24138061
7 Anand Dommalapati USA 2091402
8 Nadezda Stojanovic SRB 928640
9 Marina Mitsiali GRE 25819950
10 Eleni Oustabasidou GRE 4285069
11 Alexandros Iskos GRE 4208676
12 Donald Miller JAM 7401973
13 Tamer Karatekin TUR 6301134
14 Tserendorj Sainbayar MGL 4901614
15 Walter J.Walsh IRL 2509679