Results of the FIDE International Organizers Seminar in Santiago, Chile

A FIDE Seminar for International Organizers was held on 16-18th August in Santiago, Chile.

This seminar was held in conjunction with the Chilean Chess Federation “AJEFECH” and the Chilean Chess Foundation “FundaciГіn Chilena de Ajedrez”.

14 organizers from different regions in Chile participated in the seminar. All participants took the examination at the end of the seminar and achieved the “seminar norm”.

The lecturer, presenters, and participants were:

IO and FIDE Vice President and Lecturer Beatriz Marinello
Mr Luis Almarza Orellana
FA Hanssel Amaro Troncoso
Mr Adolfo Barrios Lara
IA Lorenginis Berti Contreras
Mrs Mercedes Carvajal Osorio
Mrs Fernanda Diaz Lillo
Mr Mauricio Dominguez Diaz
IM Jorge Egger Mancilla
Mr Leopoldo Gutierrez Pauzoca
FM Marcelo Llorens Sepulveda
Mr Roque Marin Munoz
Mr Manuel Pena Salazar
IM Luis Rojas Keim
Mr Julio Silva Carvajal
