FIDE Seminar for International Organizers in Moscow – Russia

Objective: To train and certify Organizers of international chess events in compiance with FIDE regulations. The seminar is organized by the Chess Federation of Russia with the aspiecs of the FIDE Events Comission (EVE) during the Moscow Open-2020 International Chess Cup. Attendees who pass an exam will be awarded a FIDE EVE Norm necessary for a FIDE IO title application. Detailed IO Title Regulations here:


30 January – day of arrival

31 January – 16:00 to 20:00 (Msk) Seminar (Part 1)

01 February -10:00 to 14:00 (Msk) Seminar (Part 2)

01 February – 16:00 to 20:00 (Msk) Seminar (Part 3 – Exams)

02 February – day of departure

Venue: The Russian State Social University, 4 W. Pieck St, Moscow


Hotel <<tourist>> ( ) , metro station <<Botanichesky Sad>>.

From 1950 rubles for double room without breakfast. Breakfast extra – 450 roubles / day.

Hotel <<Baikal>> ( ), metro station <<Botanichesky Sad>>.

From 1300 rubles/ day per person. Breakfast costs 200 roubles (buffet from 7 at 11 a.m.)

Seminar Topics:

• Regulations for FIDE Events (General Regulations, Specific Regulations, Bid Procedure, New regulations)

• Event Management

• Special Event Regulations.

• Ratings and Titles – Tournament Conditions

Seminar Fee: 3000 rubles

Number of participants: maximum 20


Tsypin, Vadim (CAN) IA,IO,

Assistant Lecturer:

Tkachev, Alexander (RUS), IA, IO,

CFR Deputy Executive Director, CFR Titles Administrator

Language: The seminar will be held in Russian, with translation into English.

Information/Registration: E-mail:

Telephone for information, cell phone: +7 (977) 675-10-87, +7 (977) 636-00-34

On weekdays from 12 p.m. to 18 p.m.