IO Seminar in Bamako, Mali: Results

As part of a Festival of Chess Knowledge, the first of its kind in Africa, the “Fédération Malienne du jeu d’échecs” (FMJE) organized , under the auspices of Fide, EVE Fide Organizers’ Commission and African Chess Confederation, from 3rd   to  6th December, 2019, in the Sports’ Palace of Bamako, a Fide Organizers’ Seminar.

The Lecturer was Bechir Messaoudi ,IA, IO, FT and Fide Lecturer (TUN) and the language of the Seminar was  French with translation into English .

The objective of the Seminar was to educate and certify Organizers on an international basis. Topics covered the latest regulations of FIDE Events Commission: Events Regulations, Bid Procedure, Events Management, Calendar Regulations, Rating Regulations, Title Regulations of all kinds and training Seminars , Identity Manual & Sponsorship Guidelines, Protocol for Events as well as other FIDE regulations important for organizers like Guidelines for Organizers, General Regulations for Competitions, Transfer Regulations, Registration of Players, and extract from Anti-cheating Guidelines, Financial Regulations , Fide Dress Code and Code of Ethics.

The Malian Chess Federation (FMJE) did its best for the success of this important event . A daily Coffee Break, a file covering all seminar materials and certificates were  provided to all  participants.

18 Organizers from two federations (Mali and Mauritania), including 8 women attended the seminar.  According to the Regulations of the titles of Organizers,  the following succeeded in the test and will be awarded a Seminar’s norm for Fide Organizer’s title , after the approval of the next Fide Congress :

Fide EVE Organizers’ Seminar : Bamako, Mali


  Name G IDE Birth dates Fed
1 Diakite,Ousmane M 19800177 1965/07/20 MLI
2 Ndiaye,Amadou M 19800193 1977/08/20 MLI
3 Tajedine,Sidi Mohamed M 26030900 1965/01/20 MTN
4 Kadouno, Drissa M 19800238 1980/05/22 MLI
5 Diallo,Djibril M 19800290 1964/06/12 MLI
6 Traore,Mariam W 19800975 2000/11/08 MLI
7 Camara,Salimata dite Mama W 19801106 1987/10/26 MLI
8 Traore,Mamoutou M 19801017 1977/03/06 MLI
9 Maiga,Baba Moulaye Abdalla M 19800380 1979/01/01 MLI
10 Traore,Bakary M 19800029 1982/06/11 MLI
11 Doumbia,Amadou M 19800100 1964/08/30 MLI
12 Gadiaga,Djeneba W 19801165 1974/11/29 MLI